This is a review for Vicc Venom featuring, Trillz “Da Yung Apprentice”, “Everyday“. Coming out of Los Angeles, California and produced by Facefront Music. This is definitely a duo and song to listen to “Everyday”.
This track is real tight. It encompasses a great beat, one that really catches the listening ear. The lyrics are on point and relatable. When you take a combination of great lyrics, a steady flow, and two great artists (Vicc Venom, Trillz “Da Yung Apprentice“), and a great producer (Facefront Music) , it is hard not to listen to this track over and over. Honestly I see this track on the radio easy. Or chillin’ at the club. For sure this is a song well worth the listen.
Take a minute and listen to “Everyday“, and if you lightin’ up, then these two will get you in the right head space… if you know what I am sayin’.
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