Souleye is feelin’ himself on this one, as his confidence shines throughout the track. Lyrics and delivery were nicely polished, and the track borders between a club anthem and radio mainstream.
He’s representing Los Angeles and his style of Hip Hop is positive feel good . Listen:
Keeping the mind open sober or smoking,
He quit quitting he’s taking a long break.
He’s gone a long way far from where he use to be,
It takes a lot of strength faith and ingenuity.
– Souleye
Besides the over compressed loudness, the track itself is pretty cool! The hook is jumpin’ too, because Dustin Tavella provides some very crispy vocals to accentuate Souleye’s raps. Their voices are mixed together with the upbeat tempo of the instrumental, produced by Crush Effect, making for a potentially hit record.

Souleye is making some noise in the streets and on the web, use the links below to stay tuned for more from this up and coming artist.
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