The band Underwing from Norway is making waves in the U.S. with their new single ‘Paragon’ from the EP Kaela Upsweep. Nothing to be harsh about here, the song starts good and only gets better.
A huge amount of credit must go to Joachim Walle Michalsen. who produced, mixed & mastered he whole song. It sounds really professional and the mix is warm and full. One thing that separates this genre from hip-hop is the fact that this music is not monotonous, because it keeps many changes in the beat to keep the listeners attention.

This type of Progressive metal and grunge is a fresh sound for us to critique. The driving beat with electric guitars is easy to listen to behind the lead singers vocals. The voice of the singer took some getting used to, but never took away from my overall enjoyment of the track.
If you like what you heard and want to support Underwing this new single is available on most digital outlets. Released on Pinecone Records.